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 Coaching / Mentoring

You'd be surprised how coaching a few select change champions in your organisation can really improve and enhance your workplace culture.

Organisations that provide EDI coaching /mentoring to their board members, senior managers and directors also benefit dramatically from better strategic decision making, higher productivity and increased turnover.

Thinkedi writes coaching and mentoring frameworks and action plans, embedding them into your organisation as well as offering the highest caliber of professional coaches and mentors to drive organisational success. 

Our Thinkedi coaches will meet with your employee, either in person or via video call, on a regular basis. 

Our EDI Coaching specialist areas include:

- Exploring unconscious bias

- Specific or general allyship with marginalised groups

- Building psychological safety

- Holding compassionate conversations

- Appreciative inquiry

- Understanding the lived experience

- EDI strategy in practice

Our coaches build a programme for your employee based on their needs, understanding and commitments.

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