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Outsource your EDI 

If you're looking for a trusted partner in EDI Organisational Development, look no further than Thinkedi.

At thinkedi, we provide efficient and cost-effective outsourced EDI that is hassle-free. With our years of expertise in the industry, we understand the complexities in EDI and provide you with customized solutions that cater to your specific needs. Let us take care of your EDI needs, so you can focus on your core business processes.

Why outsource your organisation's EDI?

Outsourcing your EDI needs to Thinkedi is a game-changer for any business.


We provide a confidential and professional approach, creating tailor-made solutions to meet your specific needs.


Our team works towards small wins, but always with the big picture in mind: your long-term strategic goals. Our expertise allows you to focus on your core business without the stress of navigating complex EID issues.

The Comprehensive Package

Organisational Diversity Profiling

We're experts in organisational diversity profiling. Using our ground-breaking app, we'll engage and empower your staff, building a diversity profile of your organization. With our one-off or monthly reports, you'll have the data needed for effective strategic decision making.

Culture Audit

We offer an independent culture audit that provides meaningful insights and recommendations on how to create a psychologically safe, empowering, and resilient workforce. Our unique approach to the audit ensures that we deliver tangible actions that will make a positive impact on your workplace culture.

Strategy Writing and Review

Our Strategy Writing service is designed to evaluate your EDI risk and enhance your policies and strategies. We work with clients to review existing policies and provide expert recommendations to help mitigate risk. 

Executive EDI Coaching & Mentoring

Your personal coach will meet with you in person or via video call on a regular basis.

They will support you to carry out an assessment of your unconscious bias and how best to incorporate EDI practice and thinking into your role.

Your coach will find opportunities for reverse mentoring and will build a programme for you based on your needs and commitments.

You can discuss current work decisions with your coach in a confidential and secure environment


Our experts can consult on new or existing projects to support you in mitigating EDI risks. This includes organisational design, employee management, buildings, onboarding and other strategic action plans.

Employee Training

We can deliver a range of training packages across your organisation including:

  • Basic and Enhanced EDI

  • Unconscious bias

  • Allyship

  • Change Resilience

  • Line-Managing a Diverse Team

  • EDI for Leadership

  • EDI for Strategic planning

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